
Why does the Torah use the doubled expression, "va'Yeshalechu... va'Yavi'u" (they sent it... they brought it)?


Ramban #1, Da'as Zekenim #1: They sent it from Dosan to their father, with whoever was going to Chevron, to bring it to their father.


Ramban #2: They first sent it to Chevron to one of their own homes, and when they returned to Chevron, they brought it to their father personally. 1


Rashbam: They sent the robe via unspecified messengers, who would make out to Yaakov that they (the messengers) had found it, to deflect Yaakov's suspicions from themselves.


Targum Yonasan: They sent it via the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, Yosef's friends, in order to deflect Yaakov's suspicions from them.


Ramban #3, Da'as Zekenim #2, Rosh and Seforno, Ha'amek Davar: The word "va'Yeshalechu" means that they made incisions in it, 2 to resemble the teeth-marks of a wild beast.


As implied by the continuation of the Pasuk.


From the word 'Shelach' - a sword, as in Iyov 36:12. Gur Aryeh - This cannot be correct; for if they first dipped the garment in blood and then sliced it, the dry edges of the tear would have shown the forgery. Rather, it means "they sent it [with a messenger]."


Why did they send the bloody cloak with a messenger, rather than bringing it themselves?


Rashbam, Targum Yonasan: In order to deflect Yaakov's suspicions from them.


Gur Aryeh: One should avoid being the one to relate bad news; see Pesachim 3b.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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