
Why does the Torah ascribe specifically the manufacture of the Mishkan (the bottom curtains) to "Kol Chacham Leiv"?


Seforno: Because it required great expertise - in weaving a different pattern on either side of the fabric, 1 which was not thick like the Paroches. 2


Refer to 26:1:3:1.


Seforno: By the same token, the Aron was made by Betzalel, who was not only the master craftsman, but who knew the profound meaning behind each K'li, as the Gemara states in B'rachos, 55a 'Betzalel knew how to combine the letters with which Hashem created heaven and earth' Ramban: Despite the fact that some of the other Keilim were more intricate than the Aron. Moreover, the Torah wrote in Ki Sissa, 31:3 that Hashem filled him with "Chochmah, Tevunah and Da'as".


Why does the Torah not repeat that Betzalel did "as Hashem commanded Moshe", as it does in Pikudei in connection with the Bigdei Kehunah?


Ramban: Because, when the Torah writes at the beginning of Pikudei that "Betzal'el ... did all that Hashem commanded Moshe", it covers the entire spectrum of Meleches ha'Mishkan." 1


The Ramban adds that it may well be that the Torah mentions it there because Betzalel appeared to have changed the order in which they were commanded. Refer to 38:22:1:1..


Why does the Torah repeat Meleches ha'Mishkan five times?


Ramban: Refer to 35:5:2:1 and note, and refer to 35:11:1:1.


Why does the Torah mention Keruvim in connection with the bottom curtains, but not in connection with the curtains of goats'-hair which covered them?


Hadar Zekenim, Rosh and Riva (in Pasuk14): Because whereas the bottom curtains had designs on them since they were visible from inside 1 the Mishkan, the goats'-hair curtains, which were neither visible from below, nor from above, since they were covered above by the curtains of ram-skins, did not.


They had pictures on both sides, even though the goats' hair curtains covered them on top (PF).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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