
How do we reconcile the fact that Korach is listed here among the children of Esav's wife Aholivamah, whereas in 36:16, it refers to him as one of the chieftains of Elifaz?


Rashi and Ramban (to 36:12): Korach was a Mamzer 1 , since he was the product of Elifaz and Aholivamah, his father's wife.


Riva, from Rashi to Sotah 13a: There were two Korachs, one from Aholivamah and one from Elifaz. 2


Moshav Zekenim (to 36:18): The chieftain of Elifaz named Korach was a grandson of Elifaz. He himself became the head of a family (so he is listed among Alufei Elifaz).


Meshech Chachmah (19:37): Mamzerus blemishes the nature of the descendants, even among Bnei Noach, for whom there is no [Isur of] Mamzerus. This persists even today! (Male Amoni and Mo'avi converts may not marry Yisraelim for all generations! - PF)


Moshav Zekenim (to 36:18) and Gur Aryeh question this; for Korach is not listed among Elifaz' sons (36:11-12). He must have been illegitimate (a Mamzer).

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