Why does the Torah place the Shemen ha'Mishchah in between the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores and the Ketores ha'Samim (both here and by the command in chapter 30, in Tetzaveh and Ki Sisa)?
Oznayim la'Torah: Perhaps it is to indicate that the MIzbe'ach is not crucial, and that if there is no Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores, the Kohanim can put the Ketores on a pan and place it on the floor in the location of the Mizbe'ach. 1
In keeping with the ruling of the Rambam, T'rumos and Ma'asros 3:2.
How did they transport the Kiyor and its base - of which we are given virtually no details - in the desert?
Ib'n Ezra: 'Seeng as it had no poles, perhaps they transported it in the wagons. 1
Oznayim la'Torah: We can assume that, in order to avoid the water in the Kiyor from becoming Pasul be'Linah, they sunk the Kiyor each night into the Well of Miriam and whenever they traveled - and the Well of Miriam traveled with Yisrael - as stated in the Tosefta, Sukah, 3:3. 2