
Why does the Torah record Yitzchak's death here, even though it occurred 12 years after the sale of Yosef (which occurred when Yaakov was 108; Yaakov was 120 when Yitzchak died)?


Rashi: Because the Torah does not always follow the chronological order.


Ramban #1: Refer to 11:32:1:2 and the note there.


Ramban #2: The Torah records it immediately after Yaakov arrived home, to tell us that Yitzchak died at 'a good old age' because his blessed son returned, the son who would inherit his lofty status, and because Esav and Yaakov, great men in their own right, buried him amidst great pomp and ceremony. 1


Moshav Zekenim: It says (Bereishis 36:6-8) that Esav left Eretz Yisrael, so it records here that beforehand, he buried Yitzchak. 2


Something that Rivkah did not merit.


Below (36:6), Moshav Zekenim says (in his first answer) that Esav left even before Yaakov went to Charan! Perhaps the Torah wrote it out of order to avoid the need to say that Esav returned to bury Yitzchak (PF).


Why does the Torah not write "b'Seivah Tovah," like it did regarding Avraham?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because whereas Avraham was spared from seeing his grandson Esav turning to evil ways, and he saw Yishmael do Teshuvah, Yitzchak lived with Esav all his life - even after Hashem informed him that he was a Rasha.


Why does the Torah mention Esav before Yitzchak here, whereas by the burial of Avraham, it mentions Yitzchak before Yishmael?


Rashi: Refer to 25:9:1:1.


Rashbam: Whereas Yaakov gave deference to Esav, his older brother, Yitzchak did not see fit to do so, since Yishmael was the son of his father's maidservant.


Hadar Zekenim, Moshav Zekenim: The Torah wrote Esav first, because he was older. It wrote Yishmael last, since he was the son of a concubine.


Why does the Torah not record that they buried Yitzchak in Me'aras ha'Machpelah?


Ramban: Because the Torah just told us that he was living in Chevron, so it is obvious that that was where they buried him.

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