
Seeing as Hashem instructed Moshe to place one hand on Yehoshua - Pinchas Bamidbar, 27:10, why did Moshe place both hands on him?


Bava Kama, 92b: This gave rise to the mantra 'The wine may belong to the owner, but the thanks go to the (generous) butler. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 24.


What is the Torah referring to when it writes "Vaya'asu Ka'asher Tzivah Hashem es Moshe"??


Seforno: It is referring to the Pasak in Pinchas Bamidbar, 27:21 "ve'Sha'al lo be'Mishpat ha'Urim lifnei Hashem, al Piv Yeitz'u... Hu ve'Chol B'nei Yisrael ito, ve'Chol ha'Eidah".

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