Hashem showed Moshe the land of Naftali. What did Hashem show Moshe in connection with the tribe of Naftali?
Rashi: He showed him Naftoli in its state of tranquility and in its state of destruction, and Devorah and Barak, from Kedesh Naftali, fighting against Sisra and his army.
Ramban: Refer to 34:2:3:2.
Targum Yonasan: He showed him the law-enforcement officers from the tribe of Naftali who joined Barak 1 (in the battle against Sisra).
See Na'ar Yonasan.
What did Hashem show Moshe in connection with Efrayim and Menasheh?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: He showed him Yehoshua - who came from Efrayim, fighting against the kings of Cana'an, and Gid'on, who came from Menasheh, fighting against Midyan and Amalek.
Ramban: Refer to 34:2:3:2.
What did Hashem show Moshe in connection with the tribe of Yehudah?
Rashi: He showed him the kings of Yehudah and their victories.
Ramban: He showed him Yehudah who took up the entire southern border from east to west and Efrayim and Menasheh, whose territory in the north 1 stretched from east to west and Naftali, who was close to Yehudah on the east. 2
Targum Yonasan: Hashem showed Moshe the kings of [Yisrael and of] Beis Yehudah who reigned in the land, until the second Churban.
What is "Yam ha'Acharon" referring to?
Rashi #1: It refers to the western coast-land, which Hashem showed Moshe in its state of tranquility and in its state of destruction.
Rashi #2: 'Don't read 'Yam ha'Acharon', but "Yom ha'Acharon" - with reference to all the events that are destined to occur regarding Yisrael until Techiyas ha'Meisim.
Rashi #3 (in Sh'mos 27:13) 1 and Targum Onkelos: It refers to the Mediterranean Sea (which is on Eretz Yisrael's western border).
Ramban: Refer to 34:2:3:2. It refers to the land of Zevulun, which was situated on the west-coast. 2
Targum Yonasan: [Moshe was shown all the kings of Yehudah and Yisrael until the Churban of] the second Beis ha'Mikdash.
Refer to Sh'mos, 27:13:1:1*.
Ramban: Alternatively, Zevulun is included in "Negev" and "Kikar" in Pasuk 3. (However, Bereishis, 49:13 says that Zevulun will dwell "le'Chof Yamim