
What does the La'av of "Lo Sishchat al Chametz Dam Zivchi" entail?


Rashi: It entails Shechting the Korban Pesach if, either the Shochet, the Kohen who sprinkles the blood, or any member of the group 1 has Chametz in his possession.


Pesachim, 63b): Since the Torah writes "al Chametz" and not 'al Chemtz'cha'.


What if sombody who is not connected to the group that is Shechting their Korban Pesach has Chametz in his possession?


Pesachim, 63b: This does not affect the Shochet - since, in the same Pasuk, the Torah writes "ve'Lo Yalin", restricting the La'av to those in the group who are subject to 'Lo Yalin'. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 37.


How do one transgress the La'av of "Lo Yalin ... "?


Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: By allowing the Emurim (the parts of a Korban that are burned - the fat pieces, and limbs of the Pesach) to remain off the Mizbe'ach at dawn. 1


Refer also to 23:18:3:1*. This is the source for the Chalavim and limbs of all Korbanos (Rashi).


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, which implies that one is oblgated to burn the Chalavim of Erev Yom-Tov throughout the night of Yom-Tov, with the Pasuk in Pinchas Bemidbar, 28:10 "Olas Shabbos be'Shabbato", which implies that one is not permitted to burn the Chalavim of Chol on Yom'Tov?


Pesachim, 59b: The cutrrent Pasuk is discussing Yom-Tov that falls after Shabbos - and the Chalavim of Shabbos may be burned on Yom-Tov. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 38.

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