
Why does it say "v'Hotzeisim? v'Kibatztim"?


Malbim: Many were captured among the nations ? "Ya'an Heyos Tzoni la'Vaz" (8). Many were scattered from the nations to [distant] lands ? "va'Tihyenah Tzoni l'Achlah" (ibid.) I will take them out from the nations that they are under their Reshus, and gather them from the lands to which they were scattered.


Why does it mention "Harei Yisrael ba'Afikim uv'Chol Moshevei ha'Aretz"?


Radak: Mountains are good for goats to graze on, and valleys are good for sheep and ewes. Yisrael will return to their land and dwell in every good place, in mountains and valleys.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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