
Why does it say "v'Amarta El Tzidkiyah


Malbim: Tell this Nevu'ah to the Am, and also to Tzidkiyah himself, i.e. say it time after time to inform everyone. This Nevu'ah is why Tzidkiyah incarcerated him, like it says above (32:3-4) 1 ! Tzidkiyah was not angry that Yirmeyah told the Nevu'ah to him. He himself asked Yirmeyah about Devar Hashem several times! He was angry that he told it to the Am 2 . Here it explains that he was commanded to do so. Also the text above ("Ki Silachamu


I.e. the Navi is out of order; this Nevu'ah was before he was incarcerated. (PF)


Why should he be angry? A Navi who withholds his Nevu'ah is Chayav Misah bi'Ydei Shamayim! Perhaps "v'Atah Lo Simalet...; Shma... Tzidkiyah" (verses 3-4) made him think that he was commanded to tell only Tzidkiyah. However, surely Yirmeyah explained that he was commanded to tell also the nation. Why didn't Tzidkiyah accept this?! (PF)

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