
Why does it say here, "Kol Yotz'ei Sha'ar Iro"? Avraham bought Sedeh Efron in front of "Chol Ba'ei Sha'ar Iro" (23:18)!


Hadar Zekenim: Avraham wanted many to testify about the sale, so he included also outsiders who came to the city. Shechem and Chamor needed to persuade only residents of their city.


Moshav Zekenim: Everyone was happy about Avraham's purchase, and they came to see. When Shechem and Chamor circumcised, everyone was pained, and went outside the city.


Oznayim la'Torah: "Kol Yotz'ei Sha'ar Iro" refers to the army, who stood to benefit from joining forces with Yaakov and his sons, who were mighty warriors and together, they would have had a formidable army. 1


Malbim: They did not circumcise to convert, rather, because Chamor told them that through this, they will get the wealth of Bnei Yaakov. This was only for residents of the city, but not for nearby villagers who often entered the city.


It is even possible that Chamor was conniving together with the army to kill Yaakov and his sons. Refer also to 34:25:5:6.


Who circumcised the residents of the city?


Ha'amek Davar: Shechem and Chamor circumcised, and healed, and then they were able to circumcise the others.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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