
What is the point of telling us that Shechem was the most honorable member of his father's household?


Rashbam: That is why the entire town accepted the proposal.


Seforno: In spite of the fact that he was so honored, he carried out the proposal without delay - because he desired Yaakov's daughter. 1


The fact that once again, the Torah uses the term "the daughter of Yaakov," supports the Seforno's explanation, that this was the main cause of Shechem's attraction to Dinah.


Why did Shechem circumcise right away? Perhaps the entire city will not agree!


Malbim: Since they said that if you will all circumcise, we request only intermarriage and none of the other rights offered, he was sure that if he circumcises, they will give to him Dinah.


Ha'amek Davar (to 34:18): He understood that if he circumcises, it is not so unlikely that he will get Dinah. This would appease Bnei Yaakov, and atone for the lack of honor he showed before.


Ha'amek Davar: He wanted to show how much he desires Bas Yaakov.


Why does it say "Chafetz b'Vas Yaakov"?


Malbim: This teaches that his Bris was not l'Shem Mitzvah, rather, because he desired Bas Yaakov. He already desired Dinah herself. Now he additionally desired her because she is the daughter of a wealthy man. He came to arouse this desire also in the people of his city.


Ha'amek Davar: He desired her because she is Bas Yaakov, and not because she was beautiful.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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