
What is the first half of the Pasuk referring to?


Rashi, Seforno and Targum Onkelos: It 1 is referring to the episode of the Eigel, where, in answer to Moshe's call "Mi la'Hashem Elai!" the Levi'im killed those who worshipped the Eigel, even if they were their own kinsmen. 2


Targum Yonasan: It is referring to the tribe of Levi 3 (who, at the age of thirty - Targum Yonasan) 4 would leave their parents, their younger brothers who were not yet thirty and their children, to go and spend twenty years in the Mishkan in the service of Hashem. 5


Seforno: "ve'es Banav Lo Yada" refers to the Levi'iim's Mesiras Nefesh in circumcising their newborn babies, 6 in spite of the danger involved 7 because the north-wind did not blow. 8


Oznayim la'Torah: It is referring to the Kohanim Gedolim, who are forbidden to bury even their closest relatives - and who o through a tremendous Nisayon to observe this Halachh. 9


Up to and including "ve'es Echav Lo Hikir" - Refer also to 33:9:1:3.


Refer to Sh'mos, 32:27:5:1. See Oznayim la'Torah, D.H 'ha'Omer le'Aviv' #2, who points out that the Torah does not mention the fathers and mothers of the Levi'im Ki Sissa who asks a number of other questions on this explanations.


Ramban: The Ibn Ezra cites Shmuel in place of the tibe of Levi - See R. Chavel's notes at the end of Pasuk 8. See also Na'ar Yonasan.


See Peirush Yonasan.


And when they returned, they did not recognize their closest relatives (Moshav Zekenim).


Refer to 33:9:3:1.


Yevamos 71a-b: [Others] did not circumcise because the north-wind not blow, or in case they would travel within three days (thereby endangering their newly-circumcised babies. Refer to Sh'mos 4:24:2:1*). How could Levi endanger their sons.seeing as Piku'ach Nefesh overrides all Mitzvos except for the three cardinal sins? Malbim (Yehoshua 5:4)


Which commandment did the B'nei Levi observe?


Rashi: The commandment of "Lo Yih'yeh l'cha Elohim Acherim."


In view of the current Pasuk - implying that the Levi'im killed their own fathers and mothers, brothers and children. who worshipped the Golden Calf and who were Levi'im, how can the Torah state that the B'nei Levi did not worship Avodah Zarah?


Yoma, 66b: The Torah is referring (not literally to their fathers and mothers ... , but) to their maternal grandparents 1 and to their maternal brothers and grandchildren from their daughters, who were all not Levi'im


See Torah Temimah, note 32, who elaborates.


Which "Bris" did the Levi'im keep?


Rashi: 'Whereas the other tribes did not keep the Mitzvah of B'ris Milah in the desert, the tribe of Levi did'. Refer to 33:9:1:3*.


Seforno: They adhered to the covenant of not worshipping Avodah Zarah - both in Egypt and in the desert.


Moshav Zekenim: They were learning Torah, which is called "Brisi Yomam va'Laylah", 1 on account of which they did not 'recognize' their closest relatives when it came to the crunch. 2


Refer to 33:9:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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