
What are the connotations of "Naftali S'va Ratzon ... "?


Rashi: It means that Naftali's territory supplies its inhabitants with all their needs.


Ramban: It goes together with "Birkas Hashem" that follows - Naftali is satiated with the goodwill of Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu and filled with His blessing.


Ramban (according to Kabalah): 'If you go in My ways, you will inherit the world to come - which is compared to the sea, 1 and this world, which is compared to the south. 2


Seforno: What Moshe is saying is that, since Naftali already inherited the west and the south and is satiated with contentment and filled with Hashem's blessing, it was no longer necessary for him to bless their land. This is because the luscious fruits of Ginosar, 3 which were the first to ripen, 4 grew in his territory.


Targum Yonasan: 'Naftali is satiated with contentment and rejoices with the fish of the sea that fell in his portion, and filled with blessings of the fruit of the valley of Ginosar which he received from before Hashem'.


Rosh: It is quick to ripen its fruits 5 - a source of satisfaction. 6


Oznayim la'Torah: It is one thing to be satisfied when sone is poor, but it is rare to find a rich person who is satisfied with one's lot, 7 aas the Chachamim stated 'Someone who has a hundred Zuz wants two hundred, whereas someone who has two hundred, wants four!' Hence the current B'rachah is a double one 1. "Naftali S'va Ratzon ... "; 2. "u'Malei BIrchas Hashem"!


Ramban: As hinted in Iyov, 11:19.


Ramban: As hinted in Yehoshua, 15:19. The Rosh explains the other way round. Refer to 33:23:151:3*.


See Targum Onkelos, who interprets "Yam" as Yam Kineret, which he refers to as 'Yam Ginosar'.


Seforno: From which they would therefore bring Bikurim before Hashem for goodwill.


See answer #4.


Rosh: Because, when fruit ripens late, people are not satisfied, because they want them earlier.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


What are the connotatons of "Yam ve'Darom Yerashah"?


Rashi #1: It means 'Inherit 1 the west - the Sea of Kineret, and the south - a stretch of land on which to spread out their fishing-nets. 2


Rashi #2 (in Yeshayah, 8:23): "Yam" refers to the Sea of Teverysh - the Kineret - by whose shores Naftali dwelt.


Seforno: Refer to 33:23:1:4.


Targum Onkelos: It means that he will inherit the Sea of Ginosar 3 and the south. 4


Targum Yonasan: It means that he will inherit the Sea of Sufni ('the Sea of Samchu' - Yerushalmi Bava Basra, 5:1) and the Sea of Teverya (the Kineret).


Refer to 33:23:151:2 & 3 and note.


Rashi: The fact that the accent is on the 'Reish' indicates that it is a command. See Rashi.


See Torah Temimah, note 72.


Refer to 33:23:1:4.


Refer to 33:23:2:1.


What are the connotations of "u'Malei Birkas Hashem"?


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: It means that anyone who comes to Naftoli's terrotory and sees the first fruits and the fruuit ripening on the trees will blesss Hashem on the Chidush. 1


B'rachos 51a #1 (according to R. Yochanan): Anyone who recites Birkas ha'Mazon over a full cup [of wine] will receive an unlimited inheritance - "Yam ve'Darom Yerashah."


B'rachos 51a #2: (according to R'Acha): Anyone who recites Birkas ha'Mazon over a full cup [of wine] will be rewarded in this world and in the world to come - as the Torah concludes "Yam ve'Darom Yerashah." 2


Yerushalmi B'rachos: Kos shel B'rachah requires three things 3 - that it should be 1. 'Malei'; 2. 'Atur' (surrounded by other cups or by Talmidim); 4 3. 'Mudach' (washed), all of which are hinted in the current Pasuk - "Naftali S'va" (Itur) "Ratzon" (Mudach); "u'Malei" (Malei). Anyone who recites Birkas ha'Mazon ais careful regarding these three things will inherit this world and the World to Come. 5


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: This is similar to the Targum of Ya'akov's B'rachah on the Pasuk "ha'Nosen Imrei Shafer" in Vay'chi Bereishis, 49:21.


Rosh: How does the Pasuk hint at two worlds? "Yam" is the west. It hints to this world, which is like night and "Darom" is the source of light. The sun is in the south (in the middle of the day) in summer and in winter - and Olam ha'Ba will be illuminated. The Ramban explains the other way round

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