What is the translation of "Sikim be'Eineichem"?
Rashi: ' ... sharp pegs that make holes in your eyes'.
Rashbam: ' ... sharp thorns that stab you in the eyes'. 4
Targum Onkelos: ' ... armed brigades'.
Targum Yonasan: It means that they will look at you with an Ayin ha'Ra (an evil eye).
Ramban: As in Yeshayah, 5:5 and in Hoshe'a, 2:8.
Ramban: Causing you to emulate their abominations and to worship idols like them, as the Torah specifically writes in Mishpatim Sh'mos, 23:33.
Ramban: To blind you into not seeing and understanding (the truth) - like "Ki ha'Shochad Ye'aver Pikchim' in Mishpatim Sh'mos, 23:8, and "Lifnei Iver Lo Siten Michshol" in Kedoshim Vayikra, 19:14.
Rashbam: As in Hoshe'a, 2:8. See Yehoshua, 23:13.
What is the translation of "Tzeninim be'Tzideichem"?
Rashi #1: ' ... a wall of thorns 1 that surrounds you and prevents you from going in and out.'
Rashi #2 (in Mishlei 22:5) and Targum Onkelos: It means that Yisrael will be surrounded by armies' 2 or 'brigands and robbers.
Rashi #3 (in Yehoshua, 23:13): 'They will surround you like a Tzoneh' - a shield that surrounds a person on three-sided.
Rashbam #1 (citing Menachem ben S'ruk): It means that they will be barbs in your sides. 3
Rashbam #2: It means that the cold (hungry and naked) enemy 4 will take their money.
Targum Yonasan: 'They will surround you with shields'. 5
Ramban, Rashbam: As in Iyov, 5:5 and Mishlei, 22:5.
See Rashbam.
Rashbam: As in Mishlei, 25:13. and Iyov, 5:5. See Rashbam.
See also Ba'al ha'Turim and Na'ar Yonasan.