
Why, in Parshas Chukas, at the beginning of chapter 21, does the Torah mention Ovos, in Pasuk 10, but not Tzalmonah and Punon, which is where the events described there took placet?


Ramban: Because the snakes started damaging from when they left Hor ha'Har. Moshe made the copper snake and they took it with them when traveling; and the matter terminated only when they came to Ovos.


Chizkuni (on Pasuk 42): There the Torah mentions only Ovos, since it is in the southeast corner. When they reached it, they turned to go north.


Hadar Zekenim (in 21:10): It mentions only Ovos, since that is where they were stricken with the snakes, and it is called Ovos, beccause there they became Oyvim (enemies) of Hashem.

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