
Why does the Torah refer to Paran, from where they sent the spies, as Rismah?


Rashi: Based on the Pasuk in Tehilim, 120:3 describing the punishment that people who speak Lashon ha'Ra receive "Mah Yiten l'cha u'Mah Yosif lach, Lashon Remiyah; Chitzei Gibor Shenunim Im Gachalei Resamim!" 1


Targum Yonasan: It was so-called "Because broom-bushes (Rosem trees) grew there.


With reference to the 'burning coals- of Gehinam.


The spies were sent from Midbar Tzin (13:21). This is Rismah, the first stop after Chatzeros). It is also called Kadesh Barne'a (Devarim 1:19 and Yehoshua 15:7 say that they were sent from Kadesh Barne'a), and there are eighteen Masa'os from Rismah until Midbar Tzin - Kadesh (33:19-36)?


Moshav Zekenim (13:21): It is one big Midbar, different parts of which had different names (one of which was Rismah).

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