How could they remove their ornaments, seeing as, in Pasuk 4, it says that they did not put them on?
Sifsei Chachamim: Whereas before they only removed them temporarily, in the way of mourners; now they kept them off permanently.
Rosh, Moshav Zekenim #1 (in Pasuk 4) and Hadar Zekenim: Pasuk 4 means that they did not put the Aveilus on their hearts 2 and each man still wore his ornaments. 3 Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 4). That is why the Neginah under "ve'Lo Shasu" is a 'T'vir', to indicate that it is not read together with 'Ish'.
Moshav Zekenim #2 (in Pasuk 4): Everyone received two crowns when they declared "Na'aseh Venishma", and removed "Edyo" - one of them (Pasuk 4). Hashem commanded them to remove "Edyam" (also the other crown), and they did so.
Riva #1 (citing R"M of Kutzi): "Edyam" is the blood of the B'ris that was on their garments. The Chachamim removed it by themselves; after Chet ha'Eigel, and Hashem now commanded everyone to remove them.
Riva #2: Yisrael removed the crowns by themselves, but Moshe did not. Hashem now commanded Moshe to remove his crown, to prevent Yisrael from becoming depressed.
Da'as Zekenim #1 (in Pasuk 5) and Hadar Zekenim: Pasuk 4 teaches us that they did not don them temporarily. They did however, expect to keep them. Hashem now ordered them to remov permanently. 4
Da'as Zekenim #2 (in Pasuk 5, citing R. Yosef Karo): In Pasuk 4, "Edyam" refers to the prized clothes that they wore at Matan Torah, whereas in Pesukin 5-6, the Torah is referring to the crowns that they received at Har Sinai.
Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to 33:4:1:6 and note 1.
See also Sifsei Chachamim.
Hadar Zekenim: Also Targum Yerushalmi "Lo Shavi'u al Libhon." supports this explanation (The standard Mikra'os Gedolos do not have Targum Yerushalmi on the current Pasuk, nor does the Targum Yerushalmi of Neofiti cite this - PF).
Even so, the Aveilus aroused Hashem's love and compassion for them! Refer to 33:4:152:1 (PF)
Hadar Zekenim: This is difficult, since "Horeid" implies to remove what one is wearing!
What happened to the ornaments that were removed?
Targum Yonasan (in Pasuk 7): Moshe hid them in his tent. 1
Shabbos, 88a: Moshe merited them, as the next Pasuk states "u'Moshe Yikach es ha'Ohel. 2
See next Pasuk.
From the Lashon "be'Hilo Neiro alei Roshi" - 'When a lamp shone over my head' - Iyov, 29:3.
Why does the Torah refer to Har Sinai as 'Har Chorev'?
Shabbos, 9b: Because destruction came upon the Nochrim on account of it. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 2.
What are the implications of the word "Vayisnatzlu ... "?
Da'as Zekenim (in Pasuk 4), Hadar Zekenim and Moshav Zekenim: It mplies that the ornaments were removed from them against their will. 1
Shabbos, 88a: Hashem sent a hundred and twenty thousand destructive angels, two for each Yisrael, each of which removed one of the two crowns that they received 2 when they declared "Na'aseh Venishma."