
What did Hashem mean when He said "Lo Suchal Lir'os es Panai"?


Rashi: He meant that, even when He passes all His goodness before Moshe, He will not allow him to see His Face.


Ramban: Refer to 33:19:2:2.


Seforno: Refer to 33:19:3:4*.


Toras Moshe: Refer to 33:23:2:4.


B'rachos, 7a: He was saying to Moshe When I wanted (to show you - at the Burning Bush) you did not want; 1 Now when you want, I do not want!'


See Torah Temimah, note 24.


What did Hashem mean when He said "Ki Lo Yir'ani ha'Adam va'Chai!"?


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 19): He meant (not that someone who sees the Shechinah will die, but) that, if the Shechinah appears, someone who looks will die before he sees it. 1


Seforno: He meant that he would literally die 2 if he saw the Shechinah, due to its radiance. 3


Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 19, citing R. Yosef): He meant that even a person like Moshe or a 'Chai (with reference to the Chayos ha'Kodesh - Hadar Zekenim) cannot see Him and live.


Hadar Zekenim and Da'as Zekenim and Rosh (both in Pasuk 19): He meant that Moshe was unable to see His Face clearly (be'Aspaklarya ha'Me'irah). 4


Megilah, 19b: Had there remained in the cave where Moshe and Eliyahu (ha'Navi) stood, a hole the size of the hole of a needle, they would not have been able to survive, as the Pasuk writes "Ki Lo Yir'ani ha'Adam va'Chai". 5


Ramban: Bear in mind, that even due to seeing angels, Daniel's limbs became dislocated (Daniel, 10:16).


Moshav Zekenim: Yechezkel saw a vision only in a dream, and his Neshamah departed and Hashem had to revive him - as the Pasuk states in Yechezkel, 37:1 "Haysah alai Yad Hashem".


Refer to 33:22:3:2


Rosh: As implied by the Pasuk in Behe'aloscha Bamidbar 12:8 "u'Semunas Hashem Yabit" implying 'via a glass that is unclear'. Refer also to 33:20:3:1.


See Torah Te mimah, note 25.


How will we reconcile this Pasuk with the Pasuk in Yeshayah, 6:1, which describes Yeshayah as having seen Hashem sitting on a Throne?


Yevamos, 49b: Yeshayah - like all Nevi'im with the exception of Moshe - saw with an Aspaklarya she'Einah Me'irah (an unclear vision), whereas when the Torah writes "Ki Lo Yir'ani ... " it means with an Aspaklaryah Me'irah' - as were all of Moshe's visions. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 26. In fact, Menasheh killed Yeshayah on account of the question, and Yeshayah did not answer him like the Gemara, because he knew that Menasheh would not accept it.

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