
What are the implications of "Ki Lo Davar Reik hu Mikem' "?


Rashi #1: It implies that one does not toil over the words of Torah in vain, but they earn one a great reward - in fact they are the very source of life.


Rashi #2: It impliess tha there is nothing in the Torah that is not subject to reward for Darshening it. 1


Targum Yonasan and Yerushalmi (Pe'ah, 1:1) #1: It implies that there is nothing in the Torah that is blank (pointless), only for those who transgress it (and if it is empty, it is from you that it is empty ("Mikem"), because you did not toil over it - Yerushalmi, Ibid). And this teaches us that whenever Beis-Din grapple with a ruling with Mesiras Nefesh, they will find the solution - lie when the Torah was given on Har Sinai.


Yerushalmi (Pe'ah, 1:1) #2: This Pasuk hints at the Mitzvos for which the principle reward is in Olam ha'Ba but the fruits of which one enjoys in Olam ha'Zeh: "Ki Lo Davar Reik hu Mikem" refers to Talmud-Torah; 2 "Ki Hu Chayeichem", to Kibud Av va'Eim; 3 "u'va'Davar ha'Zeh", to Gemilus Chasadim 4 and "al ha'Adamah", to Hava'as Shalom bein Adam la'Chaveiro. 5


Sifri: It implies that there is nothing in the Torah that is empty, because if you Darshen it, you will receive reward in this world and the principle remain intact for the world to come.


Rashi: Proof of this lies in the seemingly 'empty' Pesukim "va'Achos Lotan Timna" and "ve'Timna Haysah Pilegesh" (Bereishis 36:22 &12), yet they teach us (that, although Timna (was the daughter of a chief in Se'ir she preferred to be a concubine in the family of Avraham than an esteemed wife among her own people).


Yerushalmi (Ibid.): The reward of which is equal to the reward of all the other together. See Torah Temimah, note 92.


See Torah Temimah, note 93


See Torah Temimah, note 94


See Torah Temimah, note 95


In what way is Torah 'our life'?


Yerushalmi Pe'ah, 1:1: When we toil over it. 1


Oznayim la'Torah (citing his brother-in-law, R. Yosef Yehudah Bloch 2 ): Just as Tzome'ach (plants) have a Neshavah (as opposed to Domeim (still objects), Chai (animals) have a higher Neshamah than Tzome'ach and Adam than Chai, so too do Yisrael have a higher Neshamah than Adam. 3 That Neshamah is sustained by the Torah that one learns and that is what the Pasuk is referrin go here.


Refer to 32:47:1:3 (Oznayim la'Torah).


Rosh Yehivah of Telz Yeshivah.


See Oznayim la'Torah in Chayei Sarah, Bereishis, 23:1:1 who elaborates.


What for example, must one do to earn to earn long life in Eretz Yisrael?


B'rachos, 24b: One needs to honor the Torah by stopping learning it upon entering dirty alleyways. 1


Refer to 32:47:1:1 & 4.


See Torah Temimah, note 98.

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