What were the terms of the conditions that Moshe arranged with Elazar, Yehoshua and the heads of the tribes?
Ramban #1: Bearing in mind that Moshe had only given Gad and Reuven the towns of Sichon and Og in the land of Gil'ad that were good grazing-grounds, 1 he stipulated that if they cross over the Yarden with the rest of Yisrael, they should receive the entire land, whereas in the event that they don't, they should take away the towns that they already owned and expel their women and children and assign a proper portion for them in Eretz Yisrael, that they will conquer for themselves when they decide to come.
Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra): If Reuven and Gad do not cross with the other tribes of their own accord, then they should take them by force, and they will inherit together with them (in Eretz Cana'an).
Ramban: The towns that the Torah lists in Pesukim 34-38.