
What are the implicationss of "Viheyisem Neki'im me'Hashem u'mi'Yisrael"?


Pesachim, 13a: The Gaba'im of Tzedakah, who do not have poor people to whom to distribute, may exchange copper P'rutos 1 on behalf of others but not on behalf of themselves, and the Gaba'im of soup-kitchens who do not have poor people to whom to distribute, may sell food to others but not to themselves - because the Torah writes "vi'Hiyisem Neki'im me'Hashem u'mi'Yisrael". 2


Shekalim, 3:2: The Kohen who takes money (for the Korbanos) from the room where the half-Shekalim are kept, is not allowed to enter wearing a double garment, shoes, sandals, 3 Tefilin or a Kame'a - all of which contain folds or compartments into which things can be placed - in case he becomes poor or eich, and people accuse him of having become poor as a punishment for stealing from Hekdesh or rich from the proceeds of Hekdesh money - because the Torah writes "Viheyisem Neki'im me'Hashem u'mi'Yisrael".


Yerushalmi Shekalim, 3:2 #1: It implies that, it is not sufficient to be innocent in the Eyes of Hashem, but that one needs to be innocent in the eyes of people too - and we learn this from the Torah, from Nevi'im and from Kesuvim. 4


Yerushalmi Shekalim, 3:2 #2: In Torah, in Nevi'im and in Kesuvom, we find that a person must fulfil his duty (by avoiding suspicion) with regard to people no less than with regard to Hashem: In Torah - "Vih'yisem Neki'im me'Hashem u'mi'Yisrael"; In Nevi'im - "Keil Elokim Hashem Hu Yode'a, ve'Yisrael Hu Yode'a" (Yehoshu'a, 22:22); In Kesuvim: "u'Metza Chein ve'Seichel Tov be'Einei Elokim ve'Adam" (Mishlei, 3:4). The best of these is "Viheyisem Neki'im me'Hashem u'mi'Yisrael". 5


Yoma, 38a: The family of Garmu? were experts in baking the Lechem ha?Panim, and they never ate Pas Nekiyah (bread made with fine, sifted flour) ? so that nobody should accuse them of taking from the Lechem ha?Panim; similarly, the family of Avtinas were experts in preparing the Ketores ? and no daughter, or daaughter-in-law, of theirs ever left their house wearing perfume ? so that nobody should accuse them of using ethe Ketores ? to fulfil the Pasuk ?Viheyisem Neki?im me?Hashem u?mi?Yisrael?.


To avoid suspicion - See Torah Temimah, note 9.


See Torah Temimah (citing the Yeushalmi):


See Torah Temimah, note 3 & 4.


See Torah Temimah, note 8.


See Torah Temimah, note 9.

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