
What are the connotations of "ve'Atah"?


Midrash Rabah (on Pasuk 32): 'Ein "ve'Atah" Ela Teshuvah'. Just as Yisrael did Teshuvah, so too, did Hashem (Kevayachol) do Teshuvah. 1


In keeping with the Pasuk in Zecharyah, 1:3 "Shuvu Elai ... ve'Ashuv Aleichem".Refer also to 32:32:0.2:1*.


How was the statement "Hinei Mal'achi Yeilech Lefanecha" a punishment?


Rashi: Hashem was telling Moshe that from now, on, an angel 1 would lead them to Eretz Yisrael and not Himself. 2


See second Ba'al ha'Turim. Refer to 33:12:1:2*.


Oznayim la'Torah: This was 'Midah Keneged Midah' - They said 'Asei lanu Elohim asher Yeilchu Lefaneinu!' denying that Hashem went before the Camp of Yisrael; So Hashem responded by sending an angel who would lead them instead of Himself.


Why did Hashem say vaguely "El asher Dibarti Lach"? Why did he not say "el Eretz ha'Cana'ani ... "?


Ramban: Because, covering up His anger, he was simply telling Moshe that He had acquiesced to his request - and that He would carry out what He had promised him - for his (Moshe's) sake, but that He had not forgiven them. 1


Adding "u've'Yom Pokdi u'Fakadti" - that He would punish them for both sins combined (Ramban).


What did Hashem mean when he said "u've'Yom Pokdi u'Fakadti"?


Rashi #1, Ramban #1 and Rashbam: He meant that although He had accepted Moshe's request not to wipe them out in one go, He would punish them little by little, so that every time they would sin, He would add to the punishment to atone for the sin of the Golden Calf. 1


Rashi #2 (in Bamidbar 14:33) 2 and Ramban #2: Even though Hashem accepted Moshe's request to bring them into Eretz Yisrael, in the event that they sin again, 3 Hashem will not forgive them, but will incorporate the sin of the Eigel in the punishment. 4


Sanhedrin, 102a #1: It is a time (specific date) that is designated for punishment. 5


Sanhedrin, 102a #2: There is no punishment that befalls Yisrael that does not contain one twenty-fourth 6 of the sin of the Golden Calf.


Ramban: Or it is a hint that they would eventually be exiled from the land.


Refer to Bamidbar 14:33:3:1*.


A prediction of the sin of the Meraglim. Refer to 14:33:3:1. Refer also to 32:34:2:1*.


Seforno: As the Pasuk writes in Bamidbar (14:11) and like we find in Melachim 1, 1:52). This also follows the Gemara in Yoma, 86b, that when a person sins twice, he thinks it is permitted.


Rashi (Ibid.): There is no sin that Yisrael perform that does not include the punishment for the sin of the Eigel. See also Torah Temimah, note 45.


See Torah Temimah, note 46.


The B'nei Levi killed those who served the Eigel. Why were further punishments needed?


Refer to 32:20:151:1-3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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