
Why did Aharon instruct the men to bring the earrings of their wives and children?


Rashi: He reckoned that the women and children would be loath to part with their ornaments, 1 and hoped that, meanwhile, Moshe would return.


Which indeed they were, so the men took off their own earrings and brought them to Aharon (Targum Yonasan). It is not clear however, why Rashi assumes that the women refused because they were attached to their ornaments, and not because they did not want a hand in the impending sin. See also K'li Yakar.


What is the significance of the golden earrings?


Rashi (in Machzor Vitri): Hashem gave Yisrael a lot of gold. When they came to build the Mishkan, they donated generously. Then at the episode of the Golden Calf, they took off their earrings and donated them. 1 It can be compared to the person who gladly received a Jewish guest, and then, when a non-Jewish guest arrived, he received him gladly too. Ultimately, it was said about him that he is a fool who takes in anybody out of habit. 2


Ramban: Because good-quality gold (which resembles fire) 3 represents the Midas ha'Din, with which Aharon was currently grappling.


As the Navi laments in Hoshe'a, 2:10.


This explanation clashes with Rashi's own opinion, that the Golden Calf preceded the Mishkan (Refer to 31:18:2:1)?


See Yoma, 45a (Ramban).


According to the opinion that they wanted a judge (refer to 32:1:3:3), why did Aharon ask for golden earrings?


Rosh: He thought that if he would suggest Kalev or Nachshon, he would be demoted when Moshe descends, and this would led to Machlokes; 1 whereas if he himself volunteered to be king, perhaps Moshe would be upset. 2 So he decided to put them off with empty matters, on the assumption that their wives were attached to their ornaments, and would delay the matter.


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: If he would not agree to step down, there would be Machlokes that could lead to murder. On the other hand, if he would not appoint a leader, they would do so, and there too, there would be Machlokes.


If he would publicize that this was only until Moshe returns, why would Moshe be upset? (PF)

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