
Why did Hashem intend to destroy the city from when they built it?


Rashi, Radak citing a Midrash: The day that the foundation for the Bayis was made, Shlomo married Bas Pharaoh 1 .


Radak: In the days of Shlomo they built the city and the Bayis, and they began to offer on Bamos 2 , and Shlomo's wives served idolatry. From then My anger was to destroy it; I was patient until today. I will not delay My anger longer.


Malbim: I saw that they are like a sapling that ruined. The owner of the garden strives to uproot it from its place and replant it elsewhere so it will return to its proper state. If not, it will be totally ruined, and ruin the entire garden. So Hashem attributed the ruin of Yisrael to their place, as if the city caused their corruption. Therefore He destroyed the city and exhausted His anger on the wood and rocks. The city was a protection from My anger. When Yisrael sinned, I finished My anger on the city, and attributed to the ruin to the place, and not to the tree (Yisrael). I had to uproot it from its place, because it was totally ruined.


David built the foundation for the Bayis (Bamidbar Rabah 13:14). Brachos 8a says that Shlomo married Bas Pharaoh only after he killed Shim'i ben Gera, after David died! Either (a) the Midrashim argue, or (b) perhaps Bamidbar Rabah means that David dug the foundation (like Makos 11a says), and here we discuss when Shlomo built it. (PF)


Presumably, he means that they began to transgress offering on Bamos. Beforehand, it was permitted! (PF)

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