
What is the meaning of "v'Dakreni v'His'alelu Vi"?


Radak: They will stab me many times for vengeance and disgrace 1 . "His'alalti b'Egypt" (Shemos 10:2) is like this.


Targum Yonasan: Va'Yisla'avun. Radak - this is mockery and disgrace. Also "v'Hayisi b'Einav k'Mesate'a" (Bereishis 27:12), the Targum is k'Misla'av.


Malbim: If they would disgrace me and not kill me, it is possible to say that a life of pain is better than death, and similarly if they would stab me and not kill me, it would be better not to take my own life. However, surely they will kill me, and also before they will disgrace me, it is better that I die without pain and disgrace.

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