
Does this truly discuss a valiant woman?


Rashi (31, according to the Mashal): This refers to the Torah. Happy is one who merits to find it!


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): Most Meforshim say that this is a Mashal for the Nefesh. I say that it is for the primitive Nefesh, and not for the eternal Nefesh 'copied' from above. In Tehilim (45:1), I explained that there the Sechel is depicted as a king that rules over the body. The primitive Nefesh is depicted as the king's betrothed wife. She is Bas Tzur, i.e. from physicality - a stranger to spirituality. Since she obeys Sechel, he betroths her. Sometimes she is a good wife, if her nature is prepared (of if she will strive to fix it) to accept images of Chachmah and good, and go in the ways of Chachmah and happiness. Then she is Eshes Chayil that the Sefer praises her, and Torah is compared to her. Sometimes she is evil, if her Nefesh leans to every bad Midah. Her husband, Sechel, constantly has an inner war with her. She clings to her ways, based on her evil nature, opposite the Sechel and its counsel. Eshes Chayil refers to one whose Nefesh is prepared for good Midos from birth. "Mi Yimtza" - this is like a Metzi'ah, which one finds; it came to him without toil. Also refer to 31:10:3:1.


What are "Peninim"?


Rashi (31, according to the Mashal): They are pearls.


Why does it say "v'Rachok mi'Peninim Michrah"?


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): This refers to one who fixed his Midos and natures via learning and habituation. One who wants to acquire this via exertion, it is further than pearls, which are found in the depths of distant seas. It takes much time and many deeds to descend to the depth of the Nefesh, to take out its praiseworthy powers.

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