
What is the meaning of "Asheshah"?


Rashi: It weakened. It is an expression of Ashashis (a lantern). If one puts glass in front of his eyes to see something on the other side, he does not see it clearly.


Radak: It is based on "Ash Yochlem" (Yeshayah 50:9), i.e. decay.


What is the meaning of "Asheshah v'Cha'as Eini"?


Radak: The enemy's anger caused my eye to decay from crying.


Malbim: My eye, Nefesh and stomach weakened due to their words to anger and revile me.


Why does he teach about his Nefesh and innards?


Radak: Also they decayed from hunger and thirst. Many times he was hungry and thirsty while fleeing. We find that Achimelech gave to David Kadosh bread due to his hunger (Shmuel I, 21:4-7. It is permitted only to Kohanim; David ate it due to Piku'ach Nefesh - Bulmus had seized him.) Nefesh is the part of the soul that desires to eat. Beten is the innards that receive the food, primarily the stomach, which feels hunger or satiation.


Malbim: Refer to 31:10:2:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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