Why will it be unlike the Bris with their fathers?
Malbim: Their fathers were not prepared for perfection and Tikun. Their nature was for evil. This is why they annulled the Bris!
Why does it say "Hecheziki v'Yadam Lehotzi'am"?
Malbim: I held onto them strongly to take them out before the time. They were not ready; I needed to take them out lest they become totally ruined (via influence of the Egyptians).
Why is there is a Segol under the Hei in "Hecheziki"?
Radak: It is Makor (like an infinitive), like "Sechel Adam He'erich Apo" (Mishlei 19:11) 1 .
Even though Hechezik always has a Segol under the Hei, Hecheziki should have a Patach, like in Bereishis 21:18 and Nachum 3:14. (PF)
Why does it say "Ba'alti Vam"?
Radak: Even though Ba'alti Vam (Malbim - Bal Korcham (against their will) and I was Elokim to them, they annulled My Bris.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I desired (or chose) them.
Radak citing his father: Whenever an expression of Be'ilah is followed by Beis, it is for detriment. Ba'alti is like Bachalti 1 (I detested them), like Katzti, and like "v'Gam Nafsham Bachalah Vi" (Zecharyah 11:8).
Pesikta Zutresa (Shemos 12:27): Ches and Ayin are interchangeable.