
Why does the Torah relate that Yaakov returned home to his father, and not his mother (who was at least as instrumental as his father in sending him to Charan, and even more so in saving him from Esav?


Ha'amek Davar: He longed for his father's house (i.e. his mother is included - PF). This was dearer to him than Eretz Kena'an, which is mentioned afterwards.


Perhaps it is because Kibud Av comes before Kibud Em, for also his mother must honor her husband. (PF)


The Torah wrote "to his father" for this was fulfilled (but Rivkah died before he returned home - PF).


Why does the Torah mention both "El Yitzchak Aviv" and "Artzah Cana'an"?


Oznayim la'Torah: Yaakov now set his sights, on returning to fulfill both the Mitzvah of Kibud Av and that of living in Eretz Cana'an, thus turning into a double Shali'ach Mitzvah - to protect himself against the dangers of Lavan and of Esav.

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