
What miracle is Yaakov describing here?


Rashi: Even though Lavan had removed all the animals with these appearances (to prevent Yaakov from obtaining their likes), 1 Yaakov dreamt that angels 2 were transporting those very goats back to his flock (thereby foiling Lavan's plans).


Ramban: This Pasuk is referring to after Lavan changed the conditions. Yaakov is telling his wives that Hashem showed him in a dream that whatever condition Lavan made, He complied, but on behalf of Yaakov. 3


Refer to 30:32:1:2; 30:35:2:2; 30:35:3:1; 30:36:2.2:1. Why does the Pasuk here list appearances that Lavan did not remove? Perhaps it hints that Lavan kept changing the terms, and the angels brought whatever was needed to help Yaakov. (PF)


See Ramban.


Refer to 31:8:152. In any event, it had nothing to do with angels doing anything and was merely a vision to reassure Yaakov that Hashem was working on his behalf. From that time on, when Yaakov saw how Hashem was intervening on his behalf, Yaakov no longer employed the method of the sticks.


Why was the miracle limited to Atudim (goats), and not the sheep?


Rashi (to Mishlei 24:27): "Atudim" refers to animals in general.


Ramban: "Atudim" incorporates all grown-up Tzon, both goats and rams.


Moshav Zekenim (to Bereishis 30:37): Atudim are fattened animals. They are not for mating. Even these mated miraculously, to benefit Yaakov.


Gur Aryeh (to 30:40): The rouge-colored sheep were not a miraculous result of the sticks; and while the patterned sheep did come about due to the sticks, they themselves would not belong to Yaakov. 1 Only the patterned goats came to Yaakov due to this miracle.


What is Berudim? There was no stipulation about this!


Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): A white strip surrounds the body. The stripes are open, and go from one end to the other.


Radak: This is in place of Telu'im (blotched); the white is like Barad (hail). Ohr ha'Chayim (to 31:12) 1 - we must say so, for if not, if Lavan will say that Yaakov receives blotched!


Bechor Shor: They are fine dots, like where Barad (hail) fell. They are close to each other and connected.


Chizkuni: This is based on the word Barad (hail). They have white spots.


He comes to support Ibn Ezra; I did not find Ibn Ezra discuss Berudim. He assumes that the animals were born like the fathers' appearances. (PF)



Rashi writes: "'The he-goats' - Despite that Lavan had removed [all the patterned ones]... the angels would bring them back...." Why was this necessary? If this took place at the end of Yaakov's years of work (six years after he began to build his own flock, right before he left), Yaakov already had numerous patterned goats of his own?


Gur Aryeh: At the outset, before Yaakov had patterned goats of his own, the angels would bring he-goats from Lavan's flock. They then continued to do so throughout this period. 1


Also refer to 31:12:1:1*.

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