
What is the connection between the previous Pasuk, this one and the next two Pesukim?


Rashi 1 : This Pasuk and the next two Pesukim come to explain the previous one - "asher Anochi Metzavcha Hayom Le'ahavah ... " is the good, and "Vechayisa Veravisa" is life; "ve'Im Yifneh Levavcha ... " is the evil, and "Higadti lachem Hayom ki Avod Tovedun", is death.


Seforno 2 : If you will carry out Hashem's command, to love Him ... , then you will earn everlasting life; whereas if your heart turns away and you do not listen to Hashem, you will earn for yourselves eternal death.


Targum Yonasan 3 : This one and the next two Pesukim come to explain the previous one; in each case, the latter is dependent upon the former 4 - "asher Anochi Metzavcha Hayom Le'ahavah ... " is the (Torah) way of life, and "Vechayisa Veravisa" is the reward; "ve'Im Yifneh Levavcha ... " is the way of death, and "Higadti lachem Hayom ki Avod Tovedun", the punishment.


Refer to 30:15:2:1.


Refer to 30:15:2:2.


Refer to 30:15:2:3.


The (Torah) way of life is rewarded with good, and the way of death (without Torah), punishment for the Resha'im.

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