
What are the connotations of "ve'Im Hayo Sih'yeh le'Ish"?


Rashi (citing Nedarim, 71a): It means "If she becomes betrothed to a man". 1


Targum Yonasan and Rashbam (on Pasuk 11): It means "If she becomes married to a man". 2


Nedarim, 70a: The double Lashon implies two Havayos (betrothals) - and it teaches us that just as the father can annul her Nedarim on his own before the first Havayah, so too, can he annul the Nedarim that she made whilst she was betrothed to the first Arus after his death, before the second Havayah. 3


Rashi: Since the Torah discusses the Din of a married woman in Pasuk 11-12. See Ramban. See also Torah Temimah note 54, citing the Yerushalmi Nedarim, 10:1, who explains why the Pasuk must be referring to an Arusah, and note 55. Refer also to 30:17:5:2 and note.


And there are still Nedarim that she made in her father's house, which her father did not annul - implwying that a husband can annul retroactively.


To teach us that a father, as opposed qto a husband, can annul retroactively.


What is "u'Nedarehah Alehah" referring to?


Rashi and Ramban: It refers to a woman who becomes betrothed 1 and there are still Nedarim that she made in her father's house, which her father neither annulled nor upheld.


Targum Yonasan: It means that the girl brings Nedarim which she declared whilst still living with her father and which he did not annul. And the Torah is teaching us that the Nedarim stand and her husband is not permitted to annul them. 2


See Ramban as to why it is necessary to explain the Pasuk like this.


See Peirush Yonasan. Refer also to 30:11:1:1**.


What are the connotations of the words "u'Nedarehah alehah"?


Nedarim, 71a: It teaches us that, if an Arusah declares a Neder, the Arus dies and she becomes betrothed again on the same day - even a hundred times, the last Arus can annul the Nedarim of all the other Arusim.


Yerushalmi Nedarim, 10:5: It teaches us that the Arus can annul retroactively, 1 the Nedarim that the Arusah declared whilst still under her father's jurisdiction. 2


Once he is married however, he can. Refer to 30:12:1:1.


See Torah Temimah, note 59.


What are the connotations of "Mivta Sefasehah"?


Shevu'os: Since "u'Nedarehah alehah" refers to Nedarim, "Mivta Sefasehah" refers to Shevu'ah. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 60.

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