
What do we learn from "Ki Mitz Chalav Yotzi Chem'ah


Brachos 63b: The cream of Torah is found in one who vomits out the milk that he nursed (Maharsha - he abandons childish pleasures) for its sake.


Rashi #1: Just like butter comes from milk, via pressure, (refer to 30:33:3:1). Mitz is squeezing, like "va'Yimetz Tal" (Shoftim 6:38).


Rashi #2: When [you ask your Rebbi all your doubts, and] your Rebbi is angry at you because you did not understand quickly, in the end your mouth will give out many Halachos and rulings.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): What is gathered from the true Chachmah, which is called "Devash v'Chalav Tachas Leshonech" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:11), it will emit butter and a choice matter.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): Butter is squeezed from milk, and floats on top. It is the best, choicest part of milk.


What do we learn from "u'Mitz Af Yotzi Dam"?


Brachos 63b: If the Talmid is silent when his Rebbi gets angry at him the first time, he merits to distinguish between Tahor blood and Tamei blood.


Rashi: Just like blood comes from excess pressure on the nose, (refer to 30:33:3:1).


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): If you suck investigation from a corrupt source and misleading proofs, you will emit corrupt comparisons and conclusions.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): Mucus is squeezed from the nose; it is repulsive. If one squeezes more, blood comes out, which is more repulsive.


What do we learn from "u'Mitz Apayim Yotzi Riv"?


Brachos 63b: If a Talmid is silent the first two times that his Rebbi gets angry at him, he merits to understand both monetary and capital laws.


Rashi: From pressure of anger, comes to (refer to 30:33:3:1).


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): If you will be angry about Hashem's conduct [of the world], like the question about serenity of Resha'im and afflictions of Tzadikim. A quarrel with Hashem will emerge - "Ki le'Evil Yaharag Ka'as" (Iyov 5:2).


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): If one squeezes anger, out come quarrels and rebellion for the entire land.

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