
What is problematic if a hated woman has Bi'ah?


Rashi (31): This refers to Yavan.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): This is one that evil images and bad natures overpowered in his Nefesh. They oppose the laws of Chachmah, e.g. anger, desire, pride and envy. He takes them for a wife, in place of "Ayeles Ahavim" (5:19), i.e. Chachmah. It is the Eshes Chayil that one speaks to her honorably - powers of the Nefesh that rule based on the laws of Chachmah. All of them are beloved - they agree with each other and with Sechel. Powers of the Nefesh that oppose Chachmah, they have hatred and opposition to each other. Therefore they are called Senu'ah. This is the level of a Kesil. Even though he knows the laws of Chachmah, his evil wife rules over him. He had Bi'ah with the Senu'ah, i.e. desires and bad Midos. Due to them he is estranged from the laws of Chachmah.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): She was hated via her Zenus and evil deeds. She had Bi'ah with the king, and he loved her via Zenus.


What is the significance of a Shifchah who inherits her mistress?


Rashi (31): This refers to Esav. He should have served Yakov (Bereishis 25:23), and it was reversed.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): This is when one abandons Toras Hashem and Chachmah received from Hashem, which is the true mistress, and chooses false mindsets from philosophy - the result of human Sechel. It is a Shifchah who was given to her mistress to cook and bake. He chooses misleading comparisons and their ways to argue with Torah laws. The Shifchah inherits her mistress and expels her from her pleasure house. This is the worst evil - one who intentionally argues with the Torah and brings misleading proofs and comparisons - "Zed Yahir Letz Shmo Oseh b'Evras Zadon" (21:24).


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): Refer to 30:31:3:3.

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