
How was the Shemen ha'Mishchah applied?


Rashi: All anointings were in the shape of a Greek Chaf 1 , except for those of a king, which were in the shape of a crown.


Refer to 29:2:151:1 & 29:2:152:1 and notes.


Why was Moshe told to first anoint the Ohel Mo'ed and the Aron, bypassing all the Keilim in the Heichal? Why was this not considered a contravention of 'Ein Ma'avirin al ha'Mitzvos'?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, since the purpose of the anointing was to sanctify, it was correct to begin with the Keilim which were the most holy - giving overall precedence to the Ohel Mo'ed even to the Aron ha'Kodesh, since it held and incorporated all the Keilim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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