
How will we reconcile this Pasuk with Pasuk 37, which places the pegs and the cords in the charge of Merari?


Rashi: The Pasuk there is referring to the pegs and cords of the Chatzer, whereas here it is referring to the pegs and cords of the Mishkan. 1


Sifsei Chachamim: Refer also to 4:32:1:1* & 4:32:1:1* 2

. It is not however clear, as to why the Pasuk both here and in Naso, omits the pegs by the B'nei Gershon? It would seem that to attach the hangings to the pillars, to which hooks were attached, only required cords and not pegs; but Rashi mentions pegs! The Ramban in 4:32, queries Rashi on this point.


What is the significance of the comparison between the Mishkan and the Mizbe'ach?


Zevachim, 59b: It teaches us that, like the Mishkan, the Mizbe'ach was ten Amos tall. 1


And not three, as implied by the Pasuk in Terumah. Refer to Bamidbar 27:1.1:1-2.


What is the significance of the comparison between the Mizbe'ach ha'Nechoshes and the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav?


Chagigah, 27a: It teaches us that, the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav is not subject to Tevilah like the Mizbe'ach ha'Nechoshes - which is not subject to Tevilah 1 because the Torah refers to it in Yisro, Sh'mos, 20:21 as "Mizbach Adamah" - and earthen vessels are not subject to Tum'ah. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 7.


See Torah Temimah, note 9.

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