
Why does it say "Akumah Na"?


Rashi: This corresponds to "va'Ychal Moshe", "E'eleh El Hashem" (Shemos 32:11, 30).


Malbim: She rose from the bed to seek her Beloved. In this Sefer, "Yerushalayim" refers to gathering all bodily powers - 'the small city'. "Anasheha" are all its powers - each has its special residence and house. It works via a particular limb and place, and is revealed elsewhere. E.g. a man can be a Chacham, Mevin, Ba'al De'ah, illustrator, thinks thoughts, guards, remembers - i.e. all these powers. Similarly, there is a man who sees, hears, smells, tastes and feels. All these come from the intellectual Nefesh that resides in the brain, and spreads to special limbs. We find that a man envies, is proud, cruel, Gibor, brazen, humble, merciful, cowardly or feels shame. These are from Nefesh Chiyunis, which resides in the heart. Eating, grinding [the food], digesting, and excreting are rooted in Nefesh ha'Tzomachas in the liver.


What is the significance of going around the city?


Malbim (Melitzah): Just like in the city there is a market and square where everyone gathers for business and to talk, also in the body - [all powers gather in] imagination 1 . The verse depicts that the beloved left to seek her supreme Beloved. I.e. she wanted to get great understanding via her bodily powers. The markets and squares represent encompassing bodily powers. Refer to 3:2:4:2.


Refer to 3:2:1:2.


It already said "Avakshah". Why does it add "Bikashtiv"?


Seforno: I went in all of Machaneh Yisrael - perhaps there is someone like Him.


Why did she not find him?


Seforno: He was not in the Machaneh - "v'Hayah Kol Mevash Hashem Yetzei El Ohel Mo'ed mi'Chutz la'Machaneh" (Shemos 33:7).


Malbim (Melitzah): She did not find Him until she left the city, i.e. physicality, to connect with Kodesh. Then she had absolute Nevu'ah the second time, like she had in Giv'on, with love and dearness. The Nefesh cannot cling to Ruchniyus while it is in the city and body, even if it left the rooms. Nevu'ah requires total separation from physicality.


Malbim (Mashal (1)): He was not in the city. Therefore, she did not find him until she went out to the Midbar.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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