
What is the meaning of "Mishlo'ach"?


Rashi: It is being sent. It grammatical form is like "Im Nilchom Nilcham" (Shoftim 11:25), "ha'Niglo Nigleisi" (Shmuel I, 2:27).


What is the significance of "Lehashmid Laharog u'Le'abed? u'Shlalam Lavoz"?


Vilna Gaon: There are four matters in man - Nefesh, Ru'ach, Neshamah and acquisition. The body is not counted separately; it is the Nefesh's partner, like the Zohar says. The Neshamah is primarily for its Mitzvos. Haman wanted to uproot everything. Lehashmid refers to Mitzvos 1 , corresponding to the Neshamah. Laharog pertains to the spiritual Ru'ach. Le'abed is to eradicate even the physical body from the world. Shelalam Lavoz is their acquisitions - their name should not remain in the world. Corresponding to these we have four Mitzvos on Purim. Kri'as ha'Megilah is the Mitzvah added 2 corresponding to his desire to destroy the Neshamah. Corresponding to the Ru'ach, which is in the heart - "Yimach Libi" (Mishlei 23:15) there is the Mitzvah of Simchah. Mishteh corresponds to the body - the body benefits from it. Corresponding to Shelalam Lavoz is Matanos la'Evyonim - even the poor will have money.


This is like Shmad (decrees against Mitzvos). (PF)


Megilah 14a: Fifty-five Nevi'im prophesized to Yisrael; they did not detract nor add to the Torah, except for Keri'as ha'Megilah.


Why did he write to kill them on one day, and after it says u'Shlalam Lavoz?


Vilna Gaon: Had he written to plunder, they would not kill them on this day. Therefore, he wrote that they may not plunder until they are killed. He gave to them the booty, so they will be more eager to kill.


Malbim: He wanted to kill them on one day in all the Medinos, so there will be no remnant.


What is "l'Chodesh Shneim Asar"?


Rashi: It is the 12th month of the year 1 .


It was Nisan. Also the 12th month from now is Adar! Perhaps one might have thought that it is 12 months from now. (PF)


Why did Haman's letters not say that this applies to all the Medinos? Mordechai's letters specified this (8:11, 13)!


Malbim: Every officer will think that it is only in his Medinah, and he will fear more to deviate.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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