
Why does the Torah present the Shelamim of a lamb and of a goat separately?


Rashi: Because whereas the fat-tail of a lamb is brought on the Mizbe'ach, that of a goat is not.


Having already said "ve'Im min ha'Tzon"", why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) words "Im "Kesev"?


Pesachim, 96b: "Kesev" comes to include the Korban Pesasch in the Din of Alyah, and "Im", to include a Pesach whose first birthday passed (after the owner designated it) more than one year old and Shelamim that come from a Pesach 1 in all the Dinim of a Shelamim - Semichah, Tenufah and Chazeh ve'Shok (the chest and the right calf that are given to the Kohen).


Temurah, 18b: "Om Kesev" comes to teach us that although the first baby of a Shelamim is brought as a Shelamim - the second baby is not. 2


Refer to 3:6:1:1.


Due to a K'nas de'Rabbanan - and the Pasuk is merely an Asmachta. See Torah Temimah, note 34.


Why does the Torah add the words "Hu Makriv"?


Sifra: To preclude the offspring of Korbanos Shelamim from adopting the Kedushah of their mother. 1


With reference to Ma'aser Beheimah. See Torah Temimah, note 35.


What are the implications of the word "Hu Makriv"?


It implies that only an individual can bring a Shelamim, but not a Tzibur. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 35a.


Why does the Torah sometimes call a lamb 'Kesev', and sometimes 'Keves'?


Refer to Bereishis 39:40:151:1 and the note there.


Why does it say "Im Kesev Hu Makriv"?


Moshav Zekenim (citing Sifra): Im Kesev includes the tail of a lamb of Korban Pesach. V'Im Kesev 1 includes a Pesach whose year passed, or Shelamim brought due to Pesach 2 for all Mitzvos of Shelamim - Semichah, Nechasim and Tenufah of Chazah v'Shok. However, it is eaten only for one day and a night, like the law of what it was initially Hukdash for. Ben Azai says, it is eaten only at night, and roasted, like Pesach.


Moshav Zekenim: The Sifra expounds Im, and the the prefix Vov. This is unlike Rashi, who says that "Kesev" is extra, for Tzon is sheep and goats, and the next Pesach discusses goats. (In our texts, there is no prefix Vov, and Sifra expounds Kesev and Im Kesev, like Rashi - PF.)


Moshav Zekenim: This is Mosar Pesach, i.e. Temuras Pesach, or it was lost and the owner offered another in place of it. It is not the Chagigah of Erev Pesach (to be satiated from eating it before eating Pesach. Rashi (Pesachim 96b) brings both Perushim.)



Rashi writes that the Torah teaches a lamb and a goat separately, because they differ about the tail. It should teach a goat with cattle. There is no difference between them!


Moshav Zekenim: Cattle are not like goats at all. However, sheep and goats were taught together regarding Olah. Also here they would be taught together if they did not differ about the tail.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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