
What do we learn from "Orech Yamim bi'Yminah bi'Smolah Osher v'Chavod"?


Rashi citing Shabbos 63a: Those who are Maimin (meticulous, like the skilled right hand; alternatively, Lishmah) in Torah get length of days, and all the more so wealth and honor.

Those who are Masmilin (lethargic; alternatively, Lo Lishmah) in Torah get wealth and honor, but not length of days.


Bava Basra 25b: One who wants to grow wise should tilt slightly southwards when praying. One who wants to grow rich should tilt northwards. Some say, one should always tilt southwards. Through growing wise, he will grow rich - "Orech Yamim bi'Yminah bi'Smolah Osher v'Chavod."


Malbim: Silver, gold and pearls hold wealth and honor in their right hands - they are primarily in order to get wealth and honor. Chachmah holds wealth and honor in its left hand, like something secondary that one holds in his left hand. In its right hand it holds something dearer than this - Orech Yamim. This includes the good of life in this world and eternal life in the world to come, which is totally Aruch (long).


Ma'alos ha'Torah (DH Davar Acher): "Orech Yamim bi'Yminah" is in the world to come. "Bi'Smolah Osher v'Chavod" is in this world.

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