
What are David's great afflictions?


Refer to 3:2:2:2-3.


Who are the Rabim who rise against David?


Rashi: They are people great in Torah, in Chachmah, in wealth and in stature, e.g. Sha'ul, the sons of Harafah (Orpah, i.e. Galyus and three other giants), Do'eg and Achitofel.


Radak: Even his son was transformed to an enemy, and Amasa, David's nephew, was with Avshalom, and most of Yisrael's hearts leaned towards Avshalom. All counseled to fight David, and Shim'i ben Gera was brazen to revile him and cast rocks at him.


Malbim: There were two groups of David's enemies. Some afflicted David himself, and did not want that he reign, rather, Avshalom should reign. And some opposed him because they considered him to be a lowly sinner whom Hashem will not save, like Shim'i, who called him "Ish ha'Damim v'Ish ha'Beliya'al" (Shmuel II, 16:7). "Ha'Kamim Alai" are those who contest my kingship.

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