
Who are "'Re'echa"?


Rashi: Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah.


Radak: The other Kohanim.


Malbim: Chachamim, his Talmidim.


What do we learn from "Yehoshua ha'Kohen ha'Gadol Atah v'Re'echa"?


Horiyos 13b: A Kohen Gadol precedes a prophet ? he is mentioned before his colleagues." Do not say that his colleagues are commoners. They are "Anshei Mofes."

"Mofes" denotes a prophet - "he will show you a sign or Mofes (wonder)."


What are "Anshei Mofes"?


Horiyos 13b: They are prophets.


Rashi: They are men proper for miracles to be done for them. Also for them (Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah), a miracle was done (Sanhedrin 93a).


Malbim: They are proper for Nevu'ah.


What is the significance of bringing "Avdi Tzemach"?


Rashi: Now, Zerubavel Pachas Yehudah, was small in Chatzer ha'Melech. I will make grandeur sprout for him. I will give to him grace in the eyes of the king, to accede to his request to build the Bayis and the [wall of the] city, like it says in Ezra "Divrei Nechemyah ben Chachalyah 1 "; he is Zerubavel, like it says in Sanhedrin (37b).


Radak #1: This is Zerubavel. Even though he already came, I will increase his level and make his grandeur sprout, like vegetation that grows. So it says below "Hine Ish Tzemach Shmo umi'Tachtav Yitzmach u'Vanah Es Heichal Hashem" (6:12). And so said Chagai "Ekachacha Zerubavel?" (2:23).


Radak #2, Targum Yonasan: Tzemach is Melech ha'Mashi'ach. Even though I bring this salvation, I will bring another salvation, greater than it, when I will bring Avdi Tzemach. They also expounded (Eichah Rabah 1:51) that Mashi'ach's name is Menachem; its Gematriya is the same as that of Tzemach (138). Malbim ? he is called Tzemach, for now the shoot from the stump of Yishai was cut off and it is hidden, buried in the ground. It is like a seed buried deep in the ground. It will sprout in its time, and be revealed. The name Zerubavel hints to this ? he was seeded in Bavel. I.e. he is like a seed in the ground. It will sprout at the time of the Ge'ulah.


Nechemyah 1:1. Rashi calls this Ezra, for Ezra and Nechemyah are one Sefer. They were divided into two afterwards via the Goyim, as were Sefer Shmuel, Melachim and Divrei ha'Yamim. Also the division of Tanach (other than Tehilim and Eichah) into Perakim was via Goyim. It became accepted in Yisrael to facilitate refuting heretics in mandatory debates. (Ohr Yisrael (Monsey) 5758 12, p.144).

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