
Who said this?


Rashi: Zecharyah.


What is the significance of a Tahor turban?


Rashi: I requested mercy for him.


Radak: After you commanded to remove the dirty garments and dress him with nice outfits (Malbim ? when the Navi saw that his sins were removed), train him to be a Kohen Gadol, who wears a Mitznefes on his head.


Malbim: Zecharyah asked that Yehoshua return to the level of Kohen Gadol.


Malbim (7): Mahari explains that the dirty garments hint to the generation of the Chashmona'im. They wore Bigdei Malchus, which are not proper for a Kohen Gadol who serves in the Heichal. Hashem removed [their royal garments] in the days of Hordus, and removed the pride of their kingship. The Tahor turban hints to this. The Mitznefes atones for pride! They will not have the crown of kingship, only the Mitznefes of Kehunah.


Did they not already put clean garments on him?


Radak: Yes ? "v'Halbesh Osecha Machalatzos" (4) before Zecharyah spoke. The verse means, they already put clean garments on him. Similarly, "va'Yuram Tola'im va'Yiv'ash" (Shemos 16:20) ? it spoiled and later became wormy. The same applies to "Atah Katzafta v'Necheta" (Yeshayah 64:4; after we sinned, You became angry) and similar verses.


Malbim: This refers to the other Bigdei Kehunah.


What do we learn from "u'Mal'ach Hashem Omed"?


Radak: He saw in Nevu'ah that the angel stood there and did not depart until they put the Tahor turban on his head.

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