
Why does it say "Chaku Li"?


Radak: Wait until that day when I will refine you; you will not take Musar until then.


Malbim: All that I strove that you will repent and it will be the time of Ge'ulah, it did not help. I cannot wait for you [to fix your deeds, and then you will be saved]. Rather, you must wait for Me, i.e. until the designated time at the end of days. You will need to wait a very long time. Refer to 3:8:2:4.


What is "Yom Kumi [l'Ad]"?


Rashi: When I will rise to meet you.


Radak: It is the day when Gog and Magog will come. I will stand to plunder. This is like "ba'Boker Yochal Ad" (Bereishis 49:27).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: When I will rise to judge you.


Malbim: I will arouse the future Ge'ulah when comes the latest possible time for it, not dependent on your deeds. I will rise by myself to redeem you. It will be la'Ad - a permanent redemption. There will not be another Galus after it. This is unlike a Ge'ulah via deeds - if they will revert to do evil deeds, the Ge'ulah will be nullified.


Is Hashem's Mishpat to gather nations?


Radak: I gave this Mishpat for the future. I will gather nations against Yerushalayim.


Malbim: The final Ge'ulah will not be only for Yisrael. Rather, all nations will gather for the war of Gog and Magog. Via this I will pour My anger against them for harming Yisrael.


Why does it say "b'Esh Kin'asi"?


Malbim: Aside from vengeance [for harming Yisrael], I will have Kin'ah for My name's honor.


Will the entire land be consumed?


Radak: This refers to most people of the land. This is like "v'Chol ha'Aretz Ba'u Mitzraimah" (Bereishis 41:57).

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