
Why does it say "Amad va'Ymoded Eretz"?


Rashi from Sanhedrin 108b: He waited to be meticulous in judgment of Dor ha'Mabul, to punish them Midah k'Neged Midah 1 ? "Nitzav Lariv Hashem v'Omed Ladin Amim" (Yeshayah 3:13). They sinned with hot (semen), and were punished with hot (water).


Radak: The Aron stood in Gilgal for 14 years, until Yisrael conquered the land and divided it via measures and ropes.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Dor ha'Mabul and Dor ha'Flagah did not recognize Hashem. They thought that there is no G-d in the world. He stood and showed to them that He is Master of everything and supervises everything.


Malbim: This explains "Pa'alcha? b'Kerev Shanim Todi'a" (2). When [His] strength will be aroused to conduct miraculously and openly, He will switch the borders of kingdoms, to raise kings and remove kings. He measures the borders of lands to apportion them to those who conquer lands.


Radak: We learn from "Yemoded".


What do we learn from "Ra'ah va'Yater Goyim"?


Bava Kama 38a #1: Hashem saw that they were not keeping their seven Mitzvos, v'Hitir (and He permitted) their money to Yisrael. If a Yisrael's ox gored a Nochri's ox, he is exempt. If a Nochri's ox gored a Yisrael's ox, in every case he pays full damage.


Bava Kama 38a #2: He saw that they were not keeping their seven Mitzvos, and exiled them from their land. "Va'Yater" connotes exile, like "Lenater (to jump) with them (extra legs of grasshoppers) on the ground" (Vayikra 11:21). Radak ? He saw from Gilgal; His honor was there. He conquered the nations and made them fall in front of Yisrael; it is as if He killed them via mere sight.


Bava Kama 38a #3: He saw that they were not keeping their seven Mitzvos, and released them from their Mitzvos. I.e. even if they fulfill them, they are rewarded only like one who is not commanded.


Rashi: He saw that Dor ha'Flagah, since they were one language, they came together with a counsel ? "va'Yhi Kol ha'Aretz Safah Achas?" (Bereishis 11:1). He sprang them to 70 languages 1 . "Va'Yater' connotes jumping, like "v'Yitar mi'Mekomo" (Iyov 37:1), "Lenater Bahen."


Malbim: When He does not close His eyes, rather, He sees and supervises, He moves them from their place and leads them into captivity.


Radak: He sprang them over the entire land.


What is the meaning of "[va'Yispotzetzu] Harerei Ad"?


Rashi: Officers 1 of other nations.


Radak: This is a Mashal for the kings of Kena'an. The same applies to "Giv'os Olam." "Hispotzetz" is breakage with scattering, like "u'Chpatish Yefutzatz Sela" (Yirmeyahu 23:29).


Malbim: This is a Mashal for lowering the powerful tyrants from their thrones and lands.


Each other nation has a Sar that oversees it. (PF)


What is the grammatical form of "Shachu"?


Radak: The root is Shachach (lowering), like "Tachtav Shachachu" (Iyov 9:13).


What do we learn from "Halichos Olam Lo"?


Megilah 28b: One who learns Halachos every day has a share in the world to come. We read "Halichos" like Halachos.


Rashi: He showed them that the entire course of the world is His. Radak ? He does as He desires ? He raises this one and lowers this one, expels this one and makes this one inherit. It says Halichos, for Mehalchim (the courses) of Galgalim (spheres on which the Heavenly bodies are fixed) conduct the world.


Malbim: All will see that conduct of the world and its ways are attributed to Hashem Himself and His Hashgachah Pratis, and not to stars and their follies.

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