
What do we learn from "Shamati va'Tirgaz Bitni"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Bavel said, 'I heard, and kings shook from the judgment done against Egypt.'


Radak: The Navi says, I heard via Nevu'ah the affliction that will be in Yisrael on the day that Gog will come. This agitated my stomach. The stomach hints to the heart, like "Hamu Me'ai Lo" (Yirmeyah 31:19). Agitation, yearning, Simchah and serenity applies to the heart, not to the stomach and innards! Rather, since the heart is amidst [the innards], expressions proper for the heart are used for the innards.


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:4: Rigzu shows pain over the past or present, like "Al Tirgazu ba'Darech" (Bereishis 45:24).


Malbim: It and all my limbs are agitated by the Kol (rumors) that the salvation can be only amidst great afflictions (refer to 3:16:2:2).


What is the meaning of "l'Kol Tzalelu Sefasai"?


Rashi: Upon hearing the report, trembling seized me, to the point that my lips knocked each other and the noise was heard. Tzalelu is quivering, like "Metzilos ha'Sus" (Zecharyah 14:20).


Malbim: Yisrael will have a tradition that the Ge'ulah can come only amidst great, evil afflictions - the birth-pangs of Mashi'ach, which are compared to a Yoledes' contractions. The more that the pains increase, the greater is the hope that the salvation is close and the child will be born - "Kemo Harah Takriv Laledes Tachil Tiz'ak ba'Chavaleha...; Harinu Chalnu Kemo Yaladnu Ru'ach" (Yeshayah 26:17-18). When the afflictions increase, the nation's lips will ring deeply in the ears, saying, when the day of affliction comes, I will rest from Galus.


Why will Rekev come in his bones?


Radak: Even bones, the hardest matter in the body, will rot due to this report.


Why does it say "v'Sachtai Ergaz"?


Rashi: In my place I tremble.


Why does it say "Asher Anu'ach l'Yom Tzarah"?


Rashi: This rest of mine is prepared for a day of affliction.


Radak: I thought that I will rest in my land after I returned from Galus. Now my rest was reversed to a day of affliction!


Malbim: The affliction is a sign that the rest and Ge'ulah will come [soon]. Troops will gather for war of Gog and Magog. The affliction will be on them, and I will rest.


What is the significance of "La'alos l'Am Yegudenu"?


Rashi: They day that [Hashem] said to raise from it the nation (Yisrael) that will return to its land with its troops.


Radak: The day of affliction is the day that Gog planned to ascend to the nation of Yerushalayim and Yisrael, and bring troops of nations against them. Gud and Gedud are the same matter. There are many words like this [that when the last letter of the root is doubled, the meaning is the same]. Or, it says Yegudenu in place of doubling the Dalet. Regarding this day, Daniel was told "v'Haysah Es Tzarah Asher Lo Nihyasah mi'Hyos Goy Ad ha'Es ha'Hi..." (12:1), and it says "Lech Ami Bo va'Chadarecha u'Sgor Delasecha Ba'adecha Chavi Chim'at Rega Ad Ya'avor Za'am" (Yeshayah 26:20).


Malbim: The affliction is a sign of respite and Ge'ulah.

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