
What is "me'Rov Zenunei Zonah"?


Rashi: From great flattery of the city - they knew to entice the heart of kings of the land to join with them, and in the end they conquered them.


Radak: This happened to it due to the many evils that it did.


Malbim: This is why there was such a great gathering there - the abundant Zenus found there.


Why does it say "Tovas Chen Ba'alas Keshafim"?


Radak: Ninveh is compared to a Zonah - via her witchcraft and beautifying herself in front of men, she is able to do to them as she wants. So Ninveh did to the other nations.


Malbim: It enticed many via Zenus - and dear families not enticed via Zenus, it ruled over them via witchcraft. Witchcraft is above nature, and rules even over exceptional families. The Nimshal is, nations were enticed to gather there due to the great wealth and trade there, which is compared to Esnan Zonah. Families are enticed via the witchcraft and strategies that blind their eyes to be subjugated to it.

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