
What is the significance of "Hirbeis Rochelayich mi'Kochevei ha'Shamayim"?


Radak: The business that you increased in you like the stars will not help you. Just like Yelek spread in the land, and then flies away quickly, so they flew and perished - their wealth did not help them.


Malbim: Rochelim are small merchants, who someone else to individuals. They were like Yelek, who crawl from place to place and do not leave the country. They left the covering and became Arbeh, with wings, and will fly to another land (all will abandon you soon).


What do we learn from "Yelek Pashat va'Ya'of"?


Rashi: They will be quick to go out for business, like a Yelek flies.


Malbim: Refer to 3:16:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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