Who did Hashem mean by "the Elders of Yisrael"?
Rashi: He was referring (not to old people in Yisrael, but) to the Chachamim. 1
Yoma 28b: From the time of the Avos, Yeshivos never ceased - even in Egypt, as the Torah states here. 2
Who subsequently died by the fire of Tav'eirah; see Rashi to Bamidbar 11:16.
See Torah Temimah, note 19. Sifrei in Beha'alosecha - And from the fact that Hashem instructed Moshe to gather them, we see that Hashem gave the Zekenim honor.
What is the significance of the double expression "Pakod Pakadti"?
Rashi (in Pasuk 18): Yosef had used this expression to assure his brothers that they would be redeemed (Bereishis 50:24-25); and it was passed down by tradition. 1
R. Bachye: One for Yisrael and one for the Shechinah which accompanied Yisrael down to Egypt. 2
Ba'al ha'Turim and Targum Yonasan: Refer to Bereishis 50:25:2.
What is the difference between ?Pakadti eschem? and "he?Asuy lachem be?Mitzrayim"?
Seforno: "Eschem" - because you are their offspring (of the Avos that Hashem just mentioned); "ve?es he?Asuy lachem be?Mitzrayim" - because I detest cruelty and violence. 1
R? Bachye #1: ?Eschem? refers to Yisrael and ?ve?es he?Asuy ? ?, to the letter ?Hey? (the Shechinah) which is is pain. 2 Refer to 3:16:2:2.
R. Bachye #2 and Maharal (Chidushei Agados in Chulin 92a): ?Pakadti eschem? - to redeem Yisrael (with Midas Rachamim ? R. Bachye); "he?Asuy lachem?- to punish the Egyptians (with Midas ha?Din ? R. Bachye). 3